The right way to serve the society!

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According to Hinduism, a soul attains the rare life of a human after 84 million births.”………Rakesh Panda

There is no doubt that man is the best among all living beings on this earth. Besides, human, all others continue to fight with each other for food and who have no feelings and sensitivity. But man is the best among all, because he lives in the society with everyone and fulfils his social duties by keeping the activities of the society within the rules and regulations and leads a disciplined life. A special thing about man is that he cares about the welfare of the entire society and even goes out of his way to help the needy. The said help given selflessly to others is termed as social service.

Social work is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, development, solidarity and empowerment of common people and communities. It includes the understanding of human development, behavior, and social, economic, and cultural institutions and interactions.

The goal of social workers is to promote overall well-being and help to meet the basic and complex needs of communities and people. Those who work with different populations and types of people, especially those who focus on the vulnerable, the oppressed and those living in poverty, social work is a quality work, because of which people are immortalized and remembered for centuries. The greatest social evils can be eradicated with the help of the weapon of social service. Reducing the evils of the society and encouraging everyone to do beneficial activities is the greatest social service which proves to be beneficial to all.

However, in today’s society, in the name of social service, many people are running businesses to fill their homes, while some are defiling this sacred work through organizations. These days social service is widely propagated and disseminated in various media for self-publicity. Among them, some of the photographs and videos those I saw on social media, which touched my heart. In which, multiple people can be seen donating an apple, some fruit or clothes and money to others. Similarly, some people present themselves as social workers in many places in their identity.

A few days later, around 12.35 pm, I received a phone call from one of my close friends. I thought maybe there was some problem. By the time, He said, “Did you fall asleep so early?” After hearing no from me, he said, come out of the gate of the house. I am getting there immediately. A good, selfless and charitable person like him is rare in this world today. So, without hesitation, I went to the gate and waited for him. After some time, he reached there in his car and we both left for the destination. After a journey of around 30 minutes, we both reached the Cuttack railway station. Getting out of the vehicle, he took out some dry food packets and a blanket. I also help him in that. Taking them with us, we both gently placed them near the beds of the helpless people who were sleeping outside the station (on the footpath). After placing those things with around 13-14 people, we went out to Badambadi bus stand. At the same place, placing food packets and blankets near 9 helpless people while they were sleeping, and we returned home back. Till then I don’t have any discussion with him. But while returning from there, I was thinking about the incident, some questions stir my mind. After much introspection and analysis, I finally asked him; Friend, I do not understand one thing! Tomorrow is Sunday. We could go to the said places tomorrow during daytime and could have given these things to the said people. But I am unable to know the real purpose of giving him those things at night and when they are sleeping and without their knowledge!

In a serious tone he told me, “I don’t want them or anyone else to know that I am giving them something.” What I am earning today; That is coming out of my hard work and God’s blessing. Besides, as a social animal, I have some duties and responsibilities for my family as well as the society. It is one’s duty to provide help and service especially to those who are helpless and neglected. As long as I live, I will continue to extend help and support to others within my financial means. I don’t need any publicity and popularity in return. This charity has no reward. I don’t even want anyone who has been helped to know about me. God resides in the soul of every living being. Service to the helpless is service to God. Hearing this, I said to him, then, keeping your identity hidden, you send money to unknown people through postal money orders, is this also a part of your thoughts and services? Hearing me, he gave a smile and got busy driving.

“Looking out from the moving vehicle at the silent surroundings, I was lost in some thoughts. I recalled, Goswami Tulasi Das, what he said, “There is no greater religion than selfless welfare of others.” If selflessness disappears from the human heart, then this world will become like an animal, where there will be no difference between four-legged animals and human beings.”

However, after much consideration of last night’s events and friend’s comments and the words of the self-proclaimed social worker, I was struck with emotion that there are people here who selflessly come forward to help the victims of every section of the society. Which must be a part of every person’s life. It is absolutely inappropriate to have personal publicity and dissemination. In fact, social service is the sense of selfless duty and responsibility of one human being towards another human being. So, in the heart of every human being, there should be a desire to do something for the society and the country. Everyone should come forward when there is an opportunity to serve. Big reforms can be achieved by creating social movements only through small efforts. Whenever a man gets an opportunity, he should come forward to help the needy. Only then will the person’s birth and life as a human being be considered truly successful.


Rakesh Panda

Bandalo, Tangi, Cuttack-754022

Mob: 9337897650

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