Mother of an Autistic child

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Balancing, Caregiving and Self-Care

The journey of motherhood with autistic children is a beautiful testament to the strength, love, and resilience of both the child and the mother. Motherhood is a journey filled with joys, challenges, and unexpected twists. For mothers of autistic children, this journey may come with unique hurdles and complexities. It is an adventure filled with unique challenges and triumphs, and above all, it’s a journey marked by unconditional love and acceptance. 

“During my training in a therapy center, I have seen mothers of autistic children demonstrate extraordinary patience, understanding, and dedication as they navigate the complexities of raising a child with autism.”

They tirelessly advocate for their child’s needs, whether it’s seeking out the best educational resources, accessing therapeutic interventions, or breaking down societal barriers to inclusion. These mothers celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, and find joy in the unique talents and perspectives their children bring to the world. They create a supportive and nurturing environment where their children can thrive, embracing their strengths and supporting them through their challenges. The love is profound and unwavering. It’s a bond forged through countless moments of laughter, tears, and shared triumphs, and it serves as a source of inspiration and hope for families everywhere.

World Autism Awareness Day- 02nd April 

Dear Mothers, as we speak on awareness of autism it is also the need of the hour to be aware of self-compassion. It is important to be kind to oneself. You need to pat on your back as you are the best in this challenging situation. It is important to practice self-care amidst the inspiring and demanding role you are playing. Take time for yourself. Carve out some time every day to focus on yourself and engage in activities that give you joy and relaxation. Seek support from relatives and friends for assistance and guidance. Make sure you are eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activities. Taking care of yourself can have a positive impact on your mental well-being and rejuvenate your energy level. Seek support from a therapist for managing your stress and emotions while raising your child. Get yourself trained in coping strategies and self-care practices. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a selfish act. It is essential for your own well-being and your ability to be a supportive and loving parent to your autistic child. Prioritize self-care and remember that you deserve to take care of yourself too.

By practicing self-compassion, focusing on strengths, embracing mindfulness, advocating for your child, and fostering connections, you can pilot this journey with grace and resilience. Remember, you are stronger than you know, and your love is the greatest gift you can give to your child. You are a warrior, a champion, and a role model for your child. Your strength and resilience are an inspiration to us all. Keep fighting, keep loving, and keep believing in the incredible potential of your child. You are a superhero in your child’s eye and in the eyes of all who know and love you.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. Aradhana Panigrahi

Psychologist & Assistant Professor
Faculty of Contemplative and Behavioural Sciences, Sri Sri University

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Mother of an Autistic child: Balancing Caregiving and Self-Care ( Mother of an Autistic child
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