An Unusual Journey

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“With over 19 years of experience, and having spent over 18 years in the Learning & Development sector, I have come to realize one thing, the need is great; the responsibility, greater; the journey, arduous.”

I am Sonia Das, born in Berhampur (now Brahmapur), Orissa (now Odisha), and raised all around India. Being one of two daughters of doctors in the Army wasn’t easy, as we kept moving from one place to another every three years – change of people, culture, and place. This constant change taught me the biggest lessons of life very early on, one of them being, “Change is the biggest constant of life.” And even though it was a compulsion back then, I value the skills of acceptance, flexibility, and empathy that I picked up in those formative years. These created the foundation for what was to become my career.

Honestly, I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do. I spoke decently well, and thanks to my upbringing, I could pass off as smart & confident. As was the case for most people who graduated in the early 2000s, I also joined the bandwagon of trying my luck in the world of corporate, in the customer service division. The moment I saw my facilitator and attended my first session of culture and communication training, I knew what I wanted to be. And there, without much thought, it came to me: My Career!

15 years thereon in the corporates, 14 years of which completely in the L&D space, I was privileged and honored to learn from some of the best in the industry, receive opportunities gargantuan in nature, and emerge on top of class. I’ve worked in the Top 2 Fortune 500 companies (among others), and in one of them, I spent more than 8 years helping set-up the communication wing of the then to-be-launched customer service for the biggest e-retailer in the world. I was also the training manager for the money division of the same company, managing 5 countries and ~10000 employees.

And just when I thought, “This is it!”, life had another think coming. For reasons my own and too personal for this forum, I quit my high-flying career, disposed of everything called assets, packed my bags and returned home (Odisha). Here, I wrote a book of poems (Wandering Mind, Wondering Words), studied some more and got certified professionally, started professional coaching & counselling services of my own, and went back to my career, again; this time however, as a Freelancer.

When I stepped into this world, I realized that this path wasn’t easy at all. While there’s a lot of work, I realized a few things very quickly – the quality of training is atrocious (mostly), the pay is peanuts (our own doing), and the unnecessary but desperate need to create monopolies. Who’s the victim in all of this? Unfortunately, the participant.

I’d love to further deliberate, and discuss the above issues to create & have a level platform for everyone in the Learning & Development space as a Freelancer, as I genuinely think that the world is based on a simple mantra – “The more you give, is the more you get, because there’s enough for everyone.”

Looking forward,
Sonia Das
LinkedIn – @soniadas220183
Instagram – @soniadiaries
WhatsApp – +918249500710

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70 thoughts on “An Unusual Journey

  1. Sonia was my tainer when I first started my career. I was so impressed by her that I decide to follow her path and I am so happy to see her reach her goals. I wish her all the best for her future. She is not only a good trainer but also wonderful human being .

    1. Indraja! That’s a gift to me. May God bless you immensely. Touch as many people as you can through this channel you’ve chosen for yourself. Lots of love ❤️

  2. Hi Sonia, I like you from Sitel days as my trainer and cab mate. Always proud of you and your achievements. Best wishes.

  3. I have known, observed & seen you professionally how awesome Comms trainer you are! Hope this journey of your’s gives a ray of hope to all those corporate aspirants/junkies/workholics to halt & look within to examine their happiness index. Career can be restarted.

    1. Yay! You are the first person I befriended in the HR dept. And we’ve come such a long way. I’m so glad that we keep nudging each other and picking each other’s brains. Let’s continue that. God bless you, Som 🙂☺️

  4. This article talks closes with a truth, that many of us do not talk about so frequently, however that’s an important part of the whole training and development process, that training and the impact on the participant. The article is beautifully written . There’s a lot to learn and get inspired from Sonia. Would look forward to more such articles.

    1. Thanks so much, Karishma. The HR Leader that you are, your words matter. Let’s work together to standardise all that requires standardisation in our industry. Thank you for reading and leaving your precious words here.

  5. So beautifully and simply weaved a write up about your journey in this field which in no way has been as simple as you put it here. You, unlike many others have stayed put, spoken up and out and risen like a phoenix time and again. Your journey is nothing less than one deserving a Bollywood movie or an autobiography which I hope you will consider some day. I am deeply grateful to have been a part of your journey in some way and being witness to your strength, resolve and courage. Thank you for letting me walk along a mile. Wishing you the best life has on offer.

    For your limits aren’t even the skies..

    1. I’m blessed and privileged to have learnt from the stalwarts of the industry, you being one of them, who patiently and kindly taught me so much of what I know today.
      Thank you for walking with me…not a mile…you’ve been with me always…even when you haven’t been physically present…
      I treasure you…

  6. If I have to think about a trainer that makes learning fun, that should be you. Out of all the instructor led sessions I’ve attended all through my 13years of career, your sessions are very vivid in my mind for the very same reason. May you continue to lead these impactful & thought provoking sessions.

    1. Thanks so much, Sushma! I’m so glad you still remember those learning sessions.
      Keep at it. God bless you always.

  7. Sonia was my comms trainer when I first joined the corporate world. She is an amazing coach and a leader who has instilled confidence in me and played a major role in laying the foundation for my professional journey. I’m forever grateful for her impactful influence on my growth and development.

    1. Yogeetha, your professional journey is one that I’m very proud of. And if I had even a bit to play as a part in it, I’m only too happy!
      God bless you always.
      And thank you for the lovely words.

  8. Beautifully written article, and it ends with the sad truth about the plight of trainers in Odisha, for which the trainers themselves are responsible. It’s high time that all trainers join hands through communities and collaboration and bring about the much desired changes. Thanks Sonia for these insightful thoughts.

    1. Thanks for reading through and leaving your thoughts on the most important part of the article. I’m sure to top it up in the next one about the issues we have.
      Let’s work through them together.
      All the very best!

  9. Working with Ms. Sonia Das has been an absolute delight! Her expertise in soft skills training and her ability to motivate Gen Z individuals is truly remarkable. Her dedication to fostering growth and development is evident in every interaction, making collaboration with her an enriching experience. Thank you, Ms. Das, for your invaluable contributions to our team!

    1. Sushma, I’ll forever be grateful that you found me among the many million training professionals in India.
      Thank you for your kind words and opportunities to be able to share.
      All the very best, and God bless you.
      May our collaboration continue.

  10. Sonia has a great way of bringing people together and always create a positive and inclusive environment. This is a very valuable quality. And one thing that I admire about Sonia is her confidence when communicating. She always come across as professional and knowledgeable while using excellent listening skills. This builds trust and credibility.

    1. Sher! Thank you so much! I always remember you whenever we’re doing Indianisms…you know why!
      Thanks for your encouraging words.
      God bless you, and all the best!

  11. The clarity after the uncertainty, the transition from a corporate job to a freelancing career, the challenges overcome and the opportunities seized are a compelling reflection of your journey.. Your story is truly inspiring. Kudos Sonia and keep flying high!

    1. Thank you so much, Yashwant. I’m so glad you took the time to read through and leave these kind words of encouragement for me here.
      Let’s continue our conversation from where we left, and do something in that field.
      Thanks again!

  12. Congratulations on the feature Sonia! It takes a lot of courage to tread the path that you did and I am so happy to get to witness parts of it, even if from afar. I am sure you will continue to drive real change through your passion in L&D. All the very best!

    1. Thank you for reading through and leaving these wonderful words for me here, Asha.
      Far yes, but you have been around, and that’s more important than a lot of other things.
      God bless you for everything. All the very best.

  13. You have choosen good and fantastic carreer path in you life. This will give opportunity to explore your potential skills and enthusiasm to serve the upcoming graduates and learners.
    All the best and my hearty wishes for you freelancer career. Keep in touch.

    1. Thanks so much, Mahendra. From neighbours, to motivating…we’ve come a long way.
      Thanks for reading through and leaving a message for me here.
      All the very best, and God bless you.

  14. Congratulations on the feature. It was wonderful to read about your rich and inspiring journey. Best wishes for your career as a freelancer..

  15. “Congratulations Sonia! Your talent and dedication have shone through yet again, earning you a well-deserved feature in the magazine. Your remarkable skills in training are not only admirable but also inspiring to everyone around you. Keep shining bright and making waves in your field. You’re truly an example of passion and excellence. Here’s to many more achievements ahead!” 🌟👏

    1. Wow! Receiving and reading words like these from fellow training professionals is not just motivating but inspiring as well. Thanks a ton, Eqta.
      All the very best, and may God keep blessing you.

    1. You’ve been a great inspiration to many, guiding countless souls with your clarity of thought and training skills. Wishing you continued success and may you reach even greater heights ❤️

      1. I feel so blessed, Indu. Thanks so much for reading through and leaving these wonderful words for me.
        I’m proud of your career and life progression. God bless you more.

  16. Proud of you Sonia

    I adore your very expressions from the core to the surface. Brilliant of you and keep rocking 👍😊

    All my best wishes to you.

    1. Thank you so much for reading through, and I treasure the appreciation.
      All the best, and may God bless you.

  17. Sonia was my communication trainer back in 2010.
    She’s the only trainer who interacted with everyone without showing any differences between team members. Since i had stage fear, She taught me how to be bold and communicate in front of others.

    Glad to come across such a wonderful person.

    I wish her all the best for her carrier.

    1. Thank you for remembering and reminding me of those days, Wynbert.
      Thanks for taking the time to read through and leave this wonderful comment here.
      God bless you, always.

  18. A brilliant journey and beautifully articulated Sonia! Your discerning views about the present situation is crucial for the people and companies to get the best out of their investment. More power to you to bring about the change!

    1. Let’s all get together and bring about the change, Meetu! I’m sure together we can do it better and faster.
      Thanks for reading through and leaving these wonderful words for me.
      All the very best, and God bless you.

  19. Congratulations mam💐, it is such an inspirational journey. I’m truly honored to be able to learn from you.

  20. This was so endearing to read… ❤️❤️ You already know this – you’ve inspired me in many ways; not just in making a career choice but turning my life around, bringing the best of me to light and always pushing me to speak my mind. Thank you for being everything you were, you are and will be for me 🥰 keep inspiring and nourishing young minds 💪🙏

    1. Your life is an inspiration to many, and I’m glad I’ve been a part of it 😊
      You are my darling and you have my heart. Love n light for you, always, Prathyusha ❤️

  21. I have been a small part of your journey but have got to learn a lot from you and the skills you possess. I really am proud of you and the great and brave decisions that you have taken that I know off and going forward you will as well. I would once again like to thank you for inspiring people like me and becoming a mentor to them, guiding them and then giving them a direction. Thank you 😀

    1. Hey Saket. Thanks for being you, and yes, you’ve been a part of my life and its journey. I’m blessed to have had the reach to influence people like yourself.
      God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much for your blessings, Tunki mausi ❤️ receiving them here is truly amazing. May the Lord bless you 🙏🏻 Love 💟

  22. You go to work thinking someone is going to push you down. That was the norm when I started working. There was little or no support whatsoever! Sonia walked in, made me comfortable, and taught me things I couldn’t have cracked on my own. Over the years 100s & 1000s of people have benefited from her knowledge!

    When you go places because of people like her, you make the place a much better one for others. It is indeed a chain reaction. No amount of thanks can equate what she did!

    Much love and even more respect to you!

    1. You are one of my glorious results of how care in the care bay can show such amazing outcomes…
      I am what I am because of people like you who are eager to listen & learn.
      You transformed as a person, and became my friend over the years.
      Thank you for being you.
      Love, light, and respect ❤️

  23. I am so proud and happy of knowing and being friends with Sonia. She has a remarkable and unforgettable personality. Sadly due to change in jobs I lost contact with her. I used to througly enjoy our breaks and conversations 🤗

    1. Thank you so much for leaving this note here, Gumma. It means so much to me…your words and your gesture.
      Stay the fun, open, and crazy person that you are. I remain grateful for your presence in my life.

      1. This is real YOU dear ❤️.
        Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
        Very well articulated write up. Stay blessed and keep smiling as u always do..
        Love you 😘

  24. Nicely penned Sonia, wishing you more power as you take on bigger challenges. The article is a testament of a strong woman with diverse perspectives is coming off very clearly, so be at it. I know you will continue to inspire many to be bold, powerful and challenge the status quo.


    1. As usual, you said it! In your own way you put forward your thoughts so well that it made me feel good about mine.
      Thank you for encouraging me always, Murali. I appreciate your support, and treasure our camaraderie.

  25. It’s a beautiful journey of faith and self-belief Sonia. More power to you and best wishes for your future 😇

  26. This is real YOU 😍
    Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Very well articulated write up.
    Stay blessed always 💕
    Keep smiling as u always do 😁😊.
    Love you HAMESHA..

    1. Thank you for reading through, and for all your lovely words and wishes. I cherish your blessings. Love you right back, Mayeen!

    1. Thank you so much for your blessings, Hemani. I really appreciate you reading through and leaving your words here.

  27. Beautifully expressed Sonia. Have always as a thoughtful and intelligent person. Had the pleasure to work with you and it was amazing to get a glimpse of your quirky side as well your understanding nature. Keep shining ✨️. God bless.

    1. Thank you so much for reading through and leaving your encouraging words here for me, Palee. I learnt so much from you during our stint together at Amazon – as a professional and as a human. Bless you for being you. Stay bright 🎆

  28. What a journey, Sonia! I get the privilege of being the one, who has not only been your student, but have also had the opportunity to learn from you as a colleague, and ofcourse, as a friend. The comments/anecdotes here are testimony to what you have achieved, and how!!! More than your industry, I wish the world to be blessed with more of your tribe!

    1. Khandelwal! Thank you for your precious note. You know you are a diligent learner, and a brilliant friend! I’m glad I have people like you in my tribe, and together we’ve been able to create a community with people who think differently but have the same heart.
      I love you too ❤️

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